First Class Restorations is a multi versitile restoration company like none other.
For most part we blast using mostly crushed recycled glass. There are many brands of glass, made of differnt typesof glass and some are better than others for certain jobs. We have used them all in all variations and know what to use where. We have access to the finnest glass on the market for the right job will be the finest finish available. We also will use Baking soda to blast in sensitive areas around such windows that need to strip them selfs. We can blast with soda up to the glass with out harming or etching the glass. We will use soda on fire restoration also, for cleaning wood of soot and smoke smell. Our media blast machines are Shmidt Amphibion units. Wet or dry blast. We can wet blast with any media on the right job of coarse. We only use wet blast mode only if needed, for the uses are limited. We know this for we were the first company doing it in Minnesota back in 2000 i got the first Shmidt wetblasting unit.
Often but not always logs will need to be sanded after blasting. Bad weathered ones that have had yrs of sun and water dange ussually. Some time we can just sand the job all together if blasting is not feasable. Alot of film finishes plug up sand paper and grinder discs fast tho and tree sapp the most. Having the smoothest finish possible is important when the wood takes the color of the stain. The rougher it is the darker it takes. And the more dust and pollen stick to it making harder to clean and keep clean. We use many different tools for this from angle grinders, DA sanders, polishers with cup brushes, belt sanders ext. We have a whole assortment of hepa vacume sanders also for interior work where we can not make dust. Also full ventilation and and air scrubbers for interior work as well.
Cleaning with water and chemical detergents with soft wash and power washing methods usally a combination of the two. We wash often also adding high heat to the water and even steam. For simple cleaning to even stripping in many cases with these processes using chemicals and water
Staining with preservative penatrating stain sealers. Oil, Acrylic and Hybred stains. Staining with film forming stains and coatings. Oil, Acrylic and hybred stains. Sealing stone and concrete ext. Painting of windows, garage doors, doors, facia, sofits, electric boxes and meters ext. Painting at shop available for anything of size or quanity.